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Mercenary of Navigon Chapter 2 Part 4

Mercenary of Navigon:The Compass of Power Chapter 2: Noble Interlude (Part 4) With newfound resolve, the Duchess made her way through the hall and confronted her parents. Since it was in the midst of a lot of commotion going on, whether it be from people dining or others assisting the wounded Lord, Kratos couldn’t hear…

Mercenary of Navigon Chapter 2 Part 3

Mercenary of Navigon:The Compass of Power Chapter 2: Noble Interlude (Part 3) The jealous Lord couldn’t remain quiet any longer and addressed the father, “I beg your pardon, Your Lordship, I just don’t believe a word he says.” He then started accusing Kratos with, “Just look at him! A member of that noble family doesn’t…

Mercenary of Navigon Chapter 2 Part 2

Mercenary of Navigon:The Compass of Power Chapter 2: Noble Interlude (Part 2) The paved streets were filled with cars and horses as people travelled about. Most were on foot and some even used the elemental power of air to get around if they possessed it and could sometimes be seen travelling on a makeshift cloud.…

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